Friday 23 November 2012

We had our first women's Bible Study this evening in the Paynesville church. It's something that the women have been asking about for awhile, but we've only gotten around to getting it organised at this point. To tell the truth, I don't know many of the women very well yet because I've been spending so much time with the children! Even after the Sunday service and the prayermeeting, one of the kids usually manages to get my attention with a question, or "Miss Joanne, can I say my verse to you?" so that by the time I get outside, a lot of the women have already left. So hopefully this will be a means of getting to know the ladies as well as ministering to them.
I've been teaching on the Ten Commandments in the Wednesday Bible Club, and I've been challenged by how foreign the law of God is to many of them. One 11-year-old told me that he didn't know what the Ten Commandments were until he started hearing about them in Bible Club. Until a couple of years ago, he lived in the bush and it seems went some of the time to a Jehovah's Witness church; then his father died and his mother was left with 5 or 6 kids to raise. So she brought this boy to a family in Monrovia and asked them to take him in and send him to school. (I'm not sure if there was a prior connection between the two families -- I don't believe they're related in any way.) This family attend our church, and now the boy is one of the brightest and most conscientious students in the Sunday School, Bible Club, Reading Club, and anything else that's going! More importantly, he's showing some encouraging signs of a work of grace in his heart. Pray for him and others like him. This is just one story out of many that could be told.
We are planning our first Children's Day Program for the Sunday School in Paynesville FPMC. It will take the form of an end-of-year program, where the parents will be invited and the kids will be presenting what they've learned during the past year. It's planned for the Sunday service on Dec. 16, Lord willing. Please pray much for the preparation and the day itself.
Continue to pray for safety on the roads. There was an accident a couple of weeks ago just outside the Christian school where I teach. A drunk man drove his lorry off the road and knocked a 20-ft container over, crushing two men under it. I went down to the scene, and at that point they had pulled one man out, but he was very dead, and they hadn't realised yet that there was a second man under there. It is certainly sobering, and sickening, to see the low value that is placed on human life -- not only through the carelessness of the drunk driver, but also in the people who were standing all around talking excitedly and taking pictures of the dead man on their phones!
Pray for the 15-minute radio broadcast that goes out on two different stations each Sunday. Rev. DiCanio is airing Dr. Cairns' series on the Law of God at the moment. Pray that people will be brought to see their sinfulness before God and their need of Christ. A man visited last Sunday who had heard the program -- the first visitor we've had as a direct result of the radio broadcast.

Saturday 13 October 2012

At the beginning of September, I started helping out at a nearby Christian school a couple of days a week. I’m teaching Bible and Reading to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, and then doing a choir or singing class with high school students once a week. The students are from quite a mix of backgrounds – a lot are from Pentecostal churches, and several are Muslim. They are also at quite a mix of levels academically -- in the fifth grade class, for instance, most of the kids are between 12 and 15, but there is one 19 year old who is a very poor reader! And then in the 6th grade class, I have one or two good students who work hard and get top marks -- and then there is a boy from Guinea who speaks French and very little English -- and certainly can't read English. I have no idea what he's doing in sixth grade! He doesn't speak enough English for me to find out if he's actually at sixth grade level if everything was in French. I spoke to the principal about him, and he promised to look into it, but then the boy hasn't been at school for the past week. I asked the other kids where he was, and they told me that he had washed his uniform and hung it out to dry and someone stole it! And he's not allowed to come to school without a uniform, for security reasons.
Please pray not only that the kids will learn academically, but also that their hearts will be opened to the Gospel. Pray that the singing class will be the means of teaching the young people solid hymns and choruses – all that they know so far seem to be Pentecostal-type choruses. They're very keen to learn new songs -- so I'm happy to take advantage of that and teach them some good ones!

Thursday 23 August 2012


I've been here five months now! Hard to believe :-) I was having a bit of a self-examining session the other day in light of that and thinking of what the Lord has done in these five months.
I've been really encouraged by the Bible Club the last two Wednesdays. We've had approximately 30-50 kids at Bible Club ever since the VBS in July, and they have been very enthusiastic -- but also getting noisier and more unruly each week. So 2 weeks ago, I had to be very serious with them (cross in fact) and gave them quite a lecture on their behaviour. They were still mostly listening well to the lesson, but the rest of the meeting was getting out of hand. So both Nathan Barco (the man in charge of the children's work) and I were quite sharp with them and told them they need to mend their ways or they'll go home for good. We were pretty burdened about this -- because there's no point in their coming to the meeting if they are causing so much noise that they can't hear the teacher, and more importantly hear God's Word.
But last week and yesterday, we saw a dramatic improvement in behaviour! And I don't believe it was simply our scolding that made the difference -- it's the Lord settling them down in answer to prayer. So we are thankful!
We're encouraged by a couple of kids who really are wanting to learn the memory verses, and even one or two who have attended the prayer meeting and prayed in public. We don't know their hearts, of course, but these are encouraging signs! Pray that soon, if it's the Lord's will, other teachers will be raised up so that we could divide the children into classes and teach in a manner better suited to the different age groups. When I consider the folks in the church at present, I cannot think of one person who is even near to being ready to take a class! So I'm glad that the Lord is in charge of the work, not me, and He is the One Who does exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!
And while you're praying for teachers, you better also pray for more space! At the moment, we only have the one room for the children. If we were going to divide into classes, we would need somewhere to put them. Thanks for your continued support in prayer.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Skepticism or Reality?

The Independence Day Program was a lot of fun, although we had 11 helpers to nearly 200 children so we were slightly outnumbered and very tired at the end of the day! We rented a school near the Paynesville church and had games and races and other activities (and food!) for children ages 4 and up. These kids are like kids the world over -- they have boundless energy! We arrived at the church at 8am to set up ( a lot of kids were already there waiting for us), then the program started at 10am and lasted til 3 or 4pm, and then cleanup. We did the usual sack races, egg&spoon and three-legged races, a water relay (I stole the idea from memories of our youth camp in the States, but it wasn't quite as well organised LOL), a treasure hunt (which the kids did NOT get at all), balloon basketball, musical papers (newspapers to stand on instead of chairs to sit in since we didn't have chairs). And then the food which Rev. DiCanio kindly organised and prepared -- bread and jam, juice, popcorn, and ice cream cones (I was almost as excited about the ice cream as the children!) The juice is interesting -- they made it up in little plastic bags so you have to bite a hole in the corner of the plastic bag and then suck it out. For one thing, how can that be hygienic? And secondly, I can't seem to bite and suck at the same time . . . . so I got sticky koolaid all over me. I guess I need more practice. They sell water on the street like that but I usually avoid it because I think it's unhygienic:-)
Anyway, it all went well I believe, and random people were passing on the street saying "thank you so much for your work." It's funny, people here thank you for things that they have no connection with -- like one time I was washing the windows in my apartment. All the workers from other apartments were coming over to thank me for doing it. I couldn't figure it out! It's not like they were going to do it if I hadn't done it! They probably think I'm rude because I don't thank them for washing their employer's dishes . . .
Yes, so as I was saying, the general community seemed to appreciate the effort on Independence Day. Or . . . maybe they just wanted some ice cream. We had a couple adult neighbours join the queue for ice cream, saying "I haven't had mine yet." Oh, this wonderful "African socialism"! "If I don't have, I can ask (and expect to receive) from someone who does have, and if I do have, I have a responsibility to give to those who don't have." I read that very statement (as nearly as I remember) in a Christian Religious Education textbook in Kenya, and the man who said it called it African Socialism. It's not Biblical! Try this: "If any would not work, neither should he eat." "Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread." (II Thess. 3:10, 12).
Not that we didn't give them the ice-cream since we had some left, but it's the general principle that is being illustrated here that I wanted to share with you :-)

Monday 23 July 2012

Happy Independence Day!

VBS went well I believe -- a lot of kids came in (about 130 on the last day), and although we had the usual problems of overcrowding and lots of distractions, many of them seemed to listen intently. I need to keep reminding myself that even those who didn't seem to listen at all (and there were a few in that category!) may still have been touched because God's Word is powerful and will not return to Him void. We don't know what is happening in their hearts!
Some of the new kids at VBS have been attending Sunday School or the Wednesday Bible Club since then, and we're really encouraged by this. Five children (one of whom is only 4 years old) received their very own Bibles this past week in Sunday School as prizes for having learned and recited Psalm 121 perfectly. They've been working on it for many weeks now!
My time with my family was wonderful! I think they were all a bit busier than they had anticipated, but they certainly helped me out a lot. They were rather traumatised by the traffic and the roads -- one day an accident happened right in front of us, and we ended up taking a lady to the hospital. Or maybe it was my driving that was traumatic! I was "arrested" one day for not pulling to the side of the road when the vice president's convoy was passing. My excuse was that the lead police vehicle, which would usually have "VP Escort" written on it, didn't have any such marking, and I thought it was just a normal police car passing (in which case you get out of the way, but you're not required to pull over and stop.) Anyway, it turns out that the "VP escort" vehicle had broken down and they were using a regular police vehicle as a substitute so a lot of people were having difficulty recognising it. So I apologised politely and didn't say much more than that and played especially dumb when they hinted about a bribe and they eventually let me go.
But apart from such minor catastrophes, we all had a good time. The electricity and water went off and on just enough to give my family a true picture of living in Liberia. :-) Truth to tell, I was more frustrated than them when this happened. Dad preached at the Sunday service in three of the mission churches, and at prayermeetings as well. He also spent some time working with the men at the building site (that's his idea of relaxing!) Mom and Jerusha helped a lot with VBS and the children's work in general, and with the Reading Club which meets twice a week.
July 26th (this Thursday) is Independence Day in Liberia. Apparently liquor is sold freely on that day and on Christmas Day, even to children, and a lot of kids as young as 9 or 10 get drunk. So it was suggested yesterday that we have some kind of program on Thursday -- games and activities for the kids so that they won't be at a loose end and will be less likely to get into trouble. It's all systems go since we're planning this at the last minute. Pray for this effort! Sin is practiced openly and unashamedly all around these children every day, and it's only the Lord Who can keep them from it and make it distasteful to them.

Sunday 1 July 2012


It suddenly occurred to me tonight that I'm supposed to be keeping a blog here. I had kinda forgotten that little fact for about a month! Sorry, folks.
Anyway, just to update you, I am now a resident of Liberia -- for a year at least -- then I have to renew my permit again. The next thing is to get my Liberian driving license which I hope to do very soon.
My parents and sister Jerusha arrived last Thursday for an eagerly anticipated visit. It's great to see them and let them share in the work -- they're supposed to be on vacation but so far they've been pretty busy!
We are holding a Vacation Bible School in the Paynesville church this week. Please pray for these meetings -- from 10am to 12 noon, Monday to Friday. We went round the neighbourhood on Saturday, giving out special invitations to the meetings. We had a good response from parents so pray that the children will come and learn and that their hearts will be touched.
The building has commenced on the property in Dwazone. The foundations for the first house are underway. I was down on Friday and it was exciting to see the progress being made. Pray that this building project will go smoothly, and that Rev. DiCanio will be able to move into this house by the time his current lease is up in September.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

I can't think of a title right now . . .

June already! I know, what an original way to start a post. But seriously, I was just thinking about the fact that it's really easy to get out of touch with what's going on in the world. Part of the problem is the fact that I don't read newspapers, I don't watch TV, I don't listen to the radio, and since my internet's so slow right now, I don't keep up with news that way either. (By the way, none of the above is because of conviction or anything like that -- I guess it's just that I'm lazy and my head just naturally buries itself in the sand unless I make a supreme effort to dig it out.) Anyway, at home (in NI), I couldn't help but hear the news from my large and talkative family (some of whom are pretty clued in to current events). Here . . . well, it's easy to be out of touch. And hence the fact that it's June is rather surprising to me -- my head seems to have stopped somewhere around March 21st!
Only in that one sense, though. In many other ways, I'm extremely conscious of the passing of time -- because it's going so fast! And there's so much to do . . .
I'm thinking and praying about holding Holiday Bible Clubs during the kids' summer vacation (which is starting in the next week or two). Pray with me about this, please.  It would be a good way to kickstart a children's work in the Balla Creek and Gardinersville churches -- I haven't done any work in either of them yet since I came. BUT there would be no point in holding a Bible Club and contacting children if the folks in the churches don't then put their shoulders to the plow and continue the work the rest of the year. In Paynesville (where I've been working the most), the church people have really gotten behind the work with the children. I would like to see that happening in the other churches too. The way I see it, the missionary can help with teaching, and especially with training the teachers, but the people in the local church need to dedicate themselves to the work, week in and week out -- getting to the church early to set up, going out into the community to round the kids up, etc. So pray that the church folks will be burdened for their own children.
The Paynesville work has been encouraging. Nathan Barco (the committee member in Paynesville who is heading up the Sunday School work) and I went out on "visitation" round the community a couple of weeks ago. We had made up a leaflet to remind the children about Sunday School, and we made a point of speaking to the parents directly to encourage them to send their children. We stressed the importance of keeping the Sabbath Day, and of teaching their children to do the same. We challenged them not to send their kids to wash clothes or sell in the market on Sunday, but rather to get them up early and send them to Sunday School on time. Of course, most parents agreed with everything we said (only one Jehovah's Witness lady said point-blank that she wouldn't be coming or sending her children). I wasn't sure how many of them actually meant what they said, but we've definitely had some new kids in the last couple of weeks, and last Sunday some parents actually brought their kids right to the church (and one lady stayed for church). So pray that these children will remain. We've been encouraging the children to come on time and we're going to give little prizes each month to those who come on time every Sunday in the month. Only 4 children got the prize for the month of May! But the prize-giving certainly raised some interest among the others. It's really distracting (both for the kids and the teachers) when children are wandering in any time from 9:30 (when Sunday School starts) right up until 10:45 (when it ends). And then obviously the kids who come late are missing a lot of the teaching.
Last weekend Rev. DiCanio, Pastor Andrew Joe, and I travelled down to RiverCess -- it's about 120 miles away. It took about 5 hours to drive -- the road was paved for the first 2 hours (actually a really good road!). We were on dirt roads after that, but it wasn't too bad, and it didn't rain so that made the travelling a lot easier. RiverCess is the fourth Free Presbyterian Mission Church here in Liberia -- I had only been there once before (I think in 2009). It was nice to visit again and meet the people. Rev. DiCanio had a committee meeting on Saturday evening when we arrived, so I met with the children informally and taught them some choruses (they were all waiting for us at the church!) Then on Sunday morning, I taught Sunday School -- they do have a good group of children there. Most of the people in RiverCess speak Bassa and I had thought that I'd have to be interpreted, but it turned out that the kids all learn English in school and they assured me that they understood me. I don't know about the little ones, but it was definitely easier to teach in English without having to be translated. There's a lot of work to be done in RiverCess -- the church people seem to be putting effort into the children's work, and I'd like to help in some way. Obviously, the logistics of getting there are more difficult than for the places close to Monrovia, but pray that the Lord will make the way -- perhaps to go down and stay for a few days and hold a Bible Club.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Sorry for the silence for the last couple of weeks. They've been crazy! My shipment arrived last Wednesday with a lot of books and teaching materials and also a few musical instruments! I was really grateful and relieved that nothing was damaged in transit. I played the piano in church for the first time on Sunday, and I've used the keyboard for a couple of music lessons already. I had some "household" articles in the shipment as well, which I've been scattering around in the apartment to make it look more "homey"! Exciting . . .
A couple people have asked about the girl with the arm injury -- she's actually having surgery tomorrow, Lord willing. When she saw the orthopaedic surgeon, he said it's a pathological fracture due to an underlying bone cyst (told you my x-ray reading skills weren't very good!!) So we took her to the hospital today and got her admitted -- please pray that the surgery will go ahead tomorrow as planned and that the Lord will keep her safe and give the surgeon skill.
The Wednesday Bible Club has gone well for the past couple of weeks. We do find that the kids are pretty sleepy in the afternoon (they're up very early in the morning to start school) so we're trying to make the lessons quite interactive, more so than on Sundays. The numbers are smaller on Wednesdays too, so it's easier to make it interactive and actually work with the children instead of just teaching at the front. The numbers have gone down on Sundays as well, which is not entirely a surprise because that's usually what happens when the novelty wears off. We're really praying about this -- we don't want the kids coming simply because of novelty, but at the same time we're burdened to know that these children are in the neighbourhood and are not hearing God's Word. At least a few of them that we know of are being kept at home to wash clothes or to go with their parents to sell in the market -- and we're definitely praying against that!! Pray that wisdom will be given to us to know how to contact them again, and pray most of all that God will give the kids the desire to hear His Word and the parents the willingness to send them.

Monday 30 April 2012

Bits & Pieces

Last Wednesday evening as I went into the church for prayermeeting, I saw a dozen or so kids sitting in the cry room singing Deep & Wide. Some more children were already sitting in the church itself, looking very pleased with themselves! I must admit I was glad to see them there, but a little nervous about how they were going to behave, since they're only just learning to sit in Sunday School. The committee men decided to let the older ones stay but send the little ones home (there were some 2 or 3 year olds there -- with no adults in sight of course!!) They didn't do too badly, to be fair to them. A couple had to be put outside (and then of course they stood and made faces through the windows because we don't have curtains yet!). There was a little chatter and bustle but altogether I was pretty proud of them!
We had already planned to have a meeting about the Sunday School work after the prayer time. As we discussed the work and the children, we felt that it would be good to have a mid-week meeting for them as well as the Sunday School. So, Lord willing, we will have our first Bible Club meeting this Wednesday at 3pm. Please pray for this meeting, and for the kids who attend!
I'm planning to take a little girl to see an orthopaedic specialist tomorrow. She's 11 or 12 years old, and she broke her wrist in November or December. Sadly, at that point, she was taken to see an herbalist (practicing traditional medicine) and a cast was put on without the arm ever being x-rayed. She's had pain, swelling, and loss of function ever since -- she's missed a lot of school, she can't grip things properly, etc. She finally got an x-ray two weeks ago, and her grandfather (a man in our church) brought it, and the child, to me on Saturday. Now I'm terrible at reading x-rays, but even I can see that there's definitely something wrong here! It looks like the whole head of her ulna was broken off and pushed up in between the radius and ulna a little farther up the arm. It may not be that, but there's definitely a big lump on her arm, and that's my guess as to what happened from looking at the x-ray. So we have an appointment tomorrow -- pray that something can be done for her here in Liberia. It's so sad that she's suffered all this time.
By the way, if you ever have an emergency in Liberia, don't ring 911! Nobody answers. (even though that's supposed to be the emergency number). I was in the city centre last week, and a man was having a seizure on the sidewalk. A few people were standing around looking at him, but most folks were just walking on past. I ran and got gloves from my car, and by the time I got back, the seizure had stopped. The shopkeeper next door said he had tried to call 911 but no answer -- and I tried again but it just rang out. It seems the man lives on the streets, and some of his buddies told me that he has seizures now and then. We stayed with him for a while --- he came round quite quickly, and his friends said they would keep an eye on him. So I went on my way -- but now I know there's no-one to call in an emergency! (I had been told this by Rev. DiCanio, and now I believe him! :-) Someone told me afterwards that there is a number for the police, but it takes a long time for them to answer and to be honest, from my experiences with them, I can't see them doing much to help.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

"This is Africa"

This is Africa. That's what people say here whenever they're trying to excuse something that shouldn't have happened, or that should have been done by now, etc. Here's a story that illustrates the saying:
Liberian law requires that the name of the NGO (in this case, the Free Presbyterian Mission Church of Liberia) be placed on the sides of the vehicle if it comes in under the duty-free category. So we needed to get decals made and stuck on the sides of the vehicle I'm driving (otherwise it could have been impounded). It took us five trips into town to this one business to get them done -- spending an hour or two there each time!
Trip 1 (Thursday) -- Obviously, we wanted to get something that would look good. Rev. DiCanio and one of the guys at the printing business designed the logo -- the guy is good at his job but his computer is really slow so it took ages to get it done. The man who does the printing was away somewhere else so we were asked to come back the next day.
Trip 2 (Friday) -- We arrived back at the shop to find that the man had printed our decals -- but they had come out of the machine some shade of pink and lilac instead of grey. He tried them a few times but no joy, so we headed home again with his promise that he would definitely get them printed on another machine and we could pick them up the next morning.
Trip 3 (Saturday) -- The decals were printed, the colour was good -- but when they went to put them on the vehicle a couple drops of water got onto one of them and the ink started running. Now the rainy season is just about to start here in Liberia, so that would never do. So the guy said he would print them again and let them dry over the weekend and we should come back on Monday morning.
Trip 4 (Monday) -- We arrived at the shop around 10am to find the workers all eating rice. We were asked to sit down with them, and after a few greetings and some small talk, we asked if we could get the decals because we had a lot to do. Well . . . the owner hesitated and then explained apologetically that he had printed the decals on Saturday afternoon, but on Saturday evening his children had come into the shop and had cut up our decals to make aprons!!! I couldn't believe my ears!!! It was so like the classic "my dog ate my homework" excuse that I seriously thought he was joking. Should have known better -- who could have thought of an excuse like that? I actually just laughed out loud because it was either that or explode. He showed us the ruined decals -- and to be fair to the kids, they had made a pretty impressive apron out of them . . but it wouldn't have looked good on the car.
Trip 5 (Monday) -- So we left and he printed them again (I still don't understand why he didn't reprint them as soon as he found what had happened on Sat night). We went back in the afternoon and finally picked up the finished product. The guy who came to put them on the car had just been painting and kept smearing paint on the car whenever he touched it. Also, he didn't have any tools with him at all -- nothing to measure etc, and in fact looked a bit confused when we mentioned that he should measure the space to make sure the sticker went on straight. But he borrowed a yardstick from someone, and then was about to scratch a line on the car with his thumbnail since he didn't have a wax pencil. So at that point, he got fired. The second guy who came along seemed to know what he was doing, and at long last I have the decals on my car and I'm legal to drive.
You think this is an incredible chain of events? So do I, but after all . . . this is Africa!

Saturday 21 April 2012

I have wheels!

I'm very thankful to be able to say that the vehicle has been released from the port at long last!! I was so excited to get it -- also, if truth be told, very nervous about starting to drive in Monrovia, but God's kept me safe so far. Manuevering through traffic is quite a challenge -- not so much because of the number of cars as because no one seems to obey any rules at all! I have to be constantly on the alert and drive defensively. Also I need to drive offensively because otherwise I'd never get anywhere at all! There are no traffic lights or roundabouts, and only a few stop signs or intersections with police officers directing traffic. So most of the time you just have to edge out of the side street and flash your lights or beep your horn until someone stops and lets you through (or until you're completely blocking their lane and they have to stop! LOL) So pray for safety please.
Pray for Sunday services tomorrow. I heard that there may be a group of students attending from a nearby school -- their teacher attends the Paynesville church and is hoping to bring them. So pray that they will come, and that the Lord will speak to them as they're under His Word.

Friday 13 April 2012

So much to learn!

I've been struck with how much I don't know in the last week! I mentioned in the last post that I'm taking taxis quite a bit while I wait for the vehicle to be released (yes, we're still waiting:-) It is more of a hassle than having your own vehicle, but taking taxis certainly gives opportunities to witness! People are always curious about who I am, where I'm living, what I'm doing in Liberia. So the conversation often comes around to the things of God naturally. One taxi driver went to a Pentecostal church -- I believe he may well have been saved, but he was asking questions about our church and how we worship and why we don't believe in "speaking in tongues" etc. I definitely need to do more reading on Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement.
And then, in a store in town, I got talking to some Lebanese people. The Lebanese have really flooded into Liberia since the war -- they've set up a lot of businesses etc. Nice people -- but these folks in the store were asking the usual about who I was etc, and I asked them about their beliefs. They are Druze -- a sect of Islam. I had heard the name "Druze" before but knew absolutely nothing about it. We talked for a bit, and they are definitely open to discussing religious things, but I really need to read up on that one too!
Islam has a big hold here, and almost every major cult is found here also. Pray for wisdom and open doors! I've been thinking especially of the women from Islamic backgrounds -- a lot of them, from what I've read, don't get a choice as to what to believe. And of course, in some cases at least, the men in our church would not be able to speak with them, so pray that doors will open for me to get to know some of these ladies.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Settling In

The meetings finished up well with about 100 kids on the last day. We were encouraged to see many of them back again on Sunday for Sunday School -- pray that this interest will continue! It's wonderful to see so many kids under God's Word, but please pray for wisdom as to how best to teach them, and what to teach them first!! They need to learn the Word of God, but they also need to learn how to sit still and be quiet so that everyone can hear the lesson. Sometime it's difficult to know when to interrupt myself and settle the whole group down, and when to just keep teaching and trust that a few are listening.
Gillian, my friend from Ballymena, went home on Wednesday, so the apartment is pretty quiet at the moment! But I've been very busy cleaning and getting things organised here so that when I get started in my regular schedule, I'll be able to concentrate on the work.
Please pray that the vehicle which has been sent over from the US will be released soon from customs. It's been sitting at the port here in Monrovia since March 11th, but due to one holdup after another, it still hasn't been released. I've been taking car taxis mostly to get around the city, but yesterday I relented and bought myself a helmet and got onto the back of Rev. DiCanio's motorcycle. From seeing people come into A&E after motorbike accidents, I always said I'd never ride one, but I suppose you never know what you're going to do. At least he's a responsible driver!
But there's only so much you can carry on a motorbike so pray that the vehicle will be released -- it will make things simpler all round, especially when the rainy season starts in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

In Monrovia

Hi everybody, my first post from Liberia! Please forgive any typos, my connection is bad and the sun is strong! I'm at a restaurant using their wifi since I don't have any Internet connection at my apartment yet. So far the time here has been really busy but good. Gillian and I have spent most of our time preparing for children's meetings and actually doing them, and meeting the church people and getting to know them. In between we've been trying to clean the apartment and do some shopping for basic living. The first morning, I ate my cereal off a disposable plate with my fingers! It was interesting! Although I guess you could say that was my poor planning the night before! The children have responded really well to the meetings. We've been teaching on the life of Christ, and they've been learning choruses and memory verses and doing worksheets as well. I'll get some photos up ASAP. Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

in Dublin's fair city

It's 03:30 am, and I'm sitting in Dublin airport trying to be productive since I know I won't sleep anyway on these metal "seats". Our flight leaves at 06:40 -- I say "our" because a friend from Ballymena, Gillian Ferguson, has kindly offered to accompany me to Liberia and stay for two weeks! It's definitely a plus to have company on this trip.
When we arrive in Monrovia on Wed evening, we will have one day to settle in and get prepared for the seminars. Dr. Allison and Mr. Paulcy Cange arrive early Thursday morning, and then the meetings begin on Friday. I'll probably be teaching the children in the afternoons since many of them will be in school in the mornings. Dr. Allison will be teaching the adults both morning and afternoon.
So pray for safe travel for us all, and for the meetings. I'm not sure how quickly I'll get online in Liberia, but I'll update you again asap.

Thursday 8 March 2012


March 21st is the big day -- I fly out of Dublin early in the morning, have a three-hour stop in Brussels, and should reach Monrovia at 6pm. I haven't exactly started packing my case(s) yet, but I do have a whole lot of things sitting in a pile ready to be sorted and packed! The shipment of used books (donated for the bookstore and possibly a library by some brethren and sisters in Ulster), first aid supplies, teaching materials, and a lot of my own books and some personal effects was picked up today. So that's a load off my mind!
I would appreciate your prayer for the "Sending Forth" Service that will be taking place in Ballymena FPC on Friday 16th March. It is organised by the Mission Board here in Ulster, and I pray that God will be glorified by all that takes place that night.